Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: COMPLETE AND UTTER STUPIDITY

Just go ahead and read this now, and don't bother to come back for my comments if you already throw up in your mouth a little:


Because, as we all know: "Liberal bias has become the single biggest distortion in modern Bible translations."

Apparently, ordinary people believe they can retranslate the bible starting from an (already biased) 17th C English translation into their preferred turn of phrase, adding odd cultural biases and wackiness along the way. Because, you know, they are just as smart as people who actually study ancient texts and cultures for a living. No doubt, they will continue to ignore other contemporary works and any gospels which had previously been excluded will continue to be excluded on the basis that those were in the bible they done grew up with and therefore are the only ones to be in this "new" translation. At the same time, perhaps they will alter the calendar to make it fit properly, too.

Next project: they will remove any "liberal" genetic (i.e. evolutionary) bases from as many scientific texts as possible, before moving on to rewriting medical texts.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

If it walks like a duck...

From: http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2009/09/city_and_anthony_jones_former.html
The city's beleaguered former technology chief reached an agreement with the Nagin administration Wednesday that allows him to collect several months of back pay and have his termination expunged from his record in exchange for his resignation.
Anthony Jones, the one-time head of the Mayor's Office of Technology, agreed to drop his appeal of his termination in exchange for the concessions, which he said will make it easier for him to find work.
Hopefully it won't be too easy for him to find work where honesty is important, because I'm not sure how you clear lying from your record:
"I wanted my record cleared," Jones said afterward. "I'm a technologist with 25 years experience."

He also claimed falsely on at least one occasion to have a degree.
This agreement doesn't cover all the reportage of his failures in the media, but I guess if you don't do a background check...
Jones' suspension letter will now reflect that he was not suspended.
Yep, the old non-suspension suspension letter...
"He leaves today with his good name," said his attorney, Lionel "Lon" Burns.
So if anyone wants an overpaid technologist who has a penchant for lying, has further helped to make a mess of City Hall IT and was under investigation for taking a gratuity but still has his good name...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Meffert Supplements Income with Company Credit Card

A classic way people with business control cheat the government (and you)!

For easy computation, let's say I get paid $1 and I'm in a 25% income tax bracket.

I take home $.75 and the government gets $.25. The company pays nothing to the government - $1 is labor expense. Now I can afford a $.75 sno-ball.

Instead of having to work for $1 to buy a $.75 sno-ball, let's say I charge the same sno-ball to my corporate card. Now, the company pays the $.75 bill as an expense, so they pay taxes on the new $.25 profit at their rate (usually lower than my rate - or they can spend that extra $.25 on something else for the company and pay the government NOTHING NEW overall), but I only pay 25% of the $.75 as taxes on my "compensation".

So the government is already losing out here, then let's add on the other employer and employee taxes paid on income and the income which is now simply a business expense doesn't generate and taxes.

Taxes which have to be made up by people's payroll taxes.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Thanks to Uncle Jason for the Shell hospitality and Aunt Jamala for the All Stages Guest Satins - mommy loved James Taylor

Posted via email from Cade Roux's posterous

Syd was super good at her 4th Jazz Fest

Posted via email from Cade Roux's posterous

Inconceivable! I quite liked this shirt. Chrissie thought it was horrid. Wearer?: Rob Couhig!

Posted via email from Cade Roux's posterous

Oh, my valve!

In a scene like some pale shadow of Dunces, I was leaving a port-o-let
at Jazz Fest yesterday when my Camelbak's bite-valve caught on the
port-o-let door and was popped off. At which point, the unfettered
tube started spraying water over my shoulder onto the sand. I looked
on the sand outside the port-o-let and inside the port-o-let and my
valve was nowhere to be found. I can only imagine it making a
graceful arc right into the commode.

Posted via email from Cade Roux's posterous

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tax us please! What's your definition of fair share?

Apparently AIG is running the same scam a lot of other US companies
run in China - they get the government to levy new taxes, they pay
them and use them to offset taxes (offsetting taxes - not income
before tax!) paid in the US. All the while, the new money the foreign
authorities get is plowed into things which can directly or indirectly
benefit the company - like infrastructure, healthcare or employee
housing or training - but don't have to be declared. All while laying
off workers at home.
"United States tax law allows American companies to claim a credit for
any taxes paid to a foreign government. But the I.R.S. denied A.I.G.’s
refund claims in 2008, saying that it had improperly calculated the
credits. The I.R.S. has identified so-called foreign tax-credit
generators as an area of abuse that it is increasingly monitoring."

Posted via email from Cade Roux's posterous

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Caius Tour

S staircase, where I lived in my final undergraduate year at Caius.

Posted via email from Cade Roux's posterous

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race to be Broadcast on ESPN-U Sunday, March 29

is pleased to inform you of a

Live TV Broadcast of the 2009 Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race

Sunday, March 29
10:00 am Eastern Time

In the US, television coverage of the Boat Race will be provided by the cable-TV channel ESPN-U

The Light Blue crew will include three Americans:  Deaglan McEachern (Hughes Hall), Cal-Berkeley alum from Portsmouth, NH;  Ryan Monaghan (St Edmund’s), Cornell alum from Rochester, NY; and Silas Stafford (Caius), Stanford alum from Santa Rosa, CA.

Check your local cable-TV or satellite-TV provider for availability of ESPN-U in your area.

There will also be a taped rebroadcast on ESPN-U at 10:30 pm Eastern Time on March 29th.

Posted via email from Cade Roux's posterous

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl at Rouxbar in Boutte

Am I the only one that was disgusted by Faith Hills changes to the lyrics (and music) of America the Beautiful

Posted via email from Cade Roux's posterous